Did you set intentions that have now become stale?
Quarter 2 is here and now is a good time to review and clarify the Goals and Intentions you set for yourself this year.
Reexamine if the intentions you set were the right ones for you during this time:
Have you allowed yourself quality time to work on the goals you set?
Are the goals documented/written down in places that are visible reminders?
If this speaks to you, you are not alone!
Take some time to think through what barriers prevented you from starting or from continuing to move forward.
What or who were the distractions?
Is the goal even still relevant?
What Can You Do to Get Back on Track?
Know that taking time to examine what is working and what is not working is a good first step. Focus on your priorities and take small actionable steps to move forward.
Ask yourself, what is something that I can do immediately to get back on track?
What is a small positive action that I can build upon to develop into a routine?
If you have heard me speak, you know that I suggest dedicating at least 15 minutes daily to give yourself time to think and clear your mind to focus on your priorities.
Take time to review and plan ahead and refresh your plan as needed.
Share your plan with someone who can help and hold you accountable
Determine some daily, weekly or monthly check points
Track your challenges and your wins.
I keep an accomplishment/affirmation journal to help me stay motivated.
I also review my “to do” list each evening and highlight any “must dos” for the next day. I then review them again in the morning before reviewing emails or social media.
Share any ideas you have to help stay motivated and keep you on track. Let’s learn from one another.
If I can help you move forward with purpose, let’s talk!
Happy Spring!