If you could imagine your ideal life in 3-5 years from now, what would it be like?
How would it be different from the way it is now?
Will you continue doing the same things, in the same way and expecting different results? One of the previous reminders I shared recently was regarding changing lanes.
This was a friendly reminder to review your routines, habits and beliefs and make adjustments as needed.
Today’s reminder is to set your dreams in motion! To crack your “happiness code”, and feel more fulfilled, you need to think of enjoyable times in your life, the positive things you have accomplished, the people you enjoy being with and the skills you enjoy using.
Start with taking some quality time for reflection and self-exploration. Think about what happiness, success and your best life look like for you. Pay attention to what you enjoy and what puts you in a happy state.
Take time to focus on your passions, motivations and what gives you joy.
Think about the barriers that may have kept you from moving forward and how they can be prevented from reoccurring.
Identify who or what can eliminate or at least lessen these challenges going forward
Who can help you with this process and help hold you accountable?
What are 1-2 small changes you can make immediately.
I am a strong believer in doing things in 15-minute intervals and writing things down in a place where I can easily see them Consistency matters- decide on a regular time to work on any changes – Morning? Afternoon? Evening?
Give the best time of the day to yourself. Remember we are only talking about starting off with 15 minutes. Paying attention to your accomplishments, skills and what you enjoy doing will help you to focus on developing an action plan
Ask for help as needed- often friends and family can help point out strengths and accomplishments you may not have realized and enjoyments you may have forgotten.
There are also many assessment tools that can help identify patterns and commonalities.
NOTE: You may be good at something that you don’t really enjoy. I believe that that happiness comes when you identify the things you enjoy, that you are good at and that gives you a sense of accomplishment. The time to get started on living your best life is NOW!
Let me know if, as your Strategic Thinking Partner, I can help you to move forward with purpose.
We all start out on the highway of opportunity. We are enthusiastic, we work hard to demonstrate our skills and experience. We do all we can to get that corner office, the higher-level title and all the benefits and perks that come with it. But when do you decide to review, reflect and take time to reevaluate your priorities?
Are the goals that were once at the top of your list still as important to you?
Have you made the necessary adjustments in your plans, your time, and your commitments along the way?
Have you taken the necessary time for:
Making and following up on connections?
All the promises and commitments you made to yourself?
When is it time to slow down, take time for yourself, enjoy life, start a business, take another job, travel, retire or declare, game over and do something completely different?
When do you know that change is on the horizon for you?
How do you prepare to make a shift?
What dreams do you have that have not yet been fulfilled?
Have you made plans for your next steps?
Please consider this a friendly reminder that you owe it to yourself to be happy but it is a choice that takes time, focus and planning.
If you have not done so already, now is a good time to get back on track!
Contact me if I can help you with this process. As your Strategic Thinking Partner, I can help you Move Forward With Purpose.
I hear so many people saying they are unhappy at work without giving much thought to what they dislike about their current situation or what choices or opportunities they have to make changes.
Yes, there is always the choice to look for a new place to work or just quit but, as we are learning, the Great Resignation may not be all that it is expected to be for those making the change.
Of course, you should prepare for change, especially if you are unhappy. However, preparation requires more than just preparing a resume and responding to open jobs that you learn about.
It may be tempting to look for better work arrangements, but preparation may also require a better “you”!
Know your WHY!
Take time to think about what is not working for you in your current situation and make a list of the issues.
The complaints I hear most often relate to salary, title, and coworkers and not usually about the work itself.
So, if you like the work that you are doing and you are giving it your best, prepare to have a discussion regarding the value you bring. Do some research beforehand as it relates to salaries. (Despite what you might think, your company does not have to raise your salary because your personal finances have changed).
Notice I said, the value you bring. If you cannot articulate your value, and how you bring a solution to a problem or help the organization’s mission, you have some research to do before making an ask.
If you are interested in different/additional work you should be able to clearly express your interest. Indicating why you and why now is an important part of this conversation. What you want may not be known to others unless you ask for it.
There is no question that a lousy boss and /or difficult coworkers are hard to ignore. If all else is working for you, think about ways that you can limit the amount of time you must spend with them. This is where I suggest “strategy over emotion”.
Often times others are watching how you handle a difficult situation and, because of your positive attitude, you may have the opportunity to work with a different team or on a different project.
With workplaces being reorganized and personnel changes being made, it may be the ideal time to look for and request an internal switch.
Also note, (and hope) that some of your least favorite coworkers take advantage of the Great Resignation and leave 😁
Even if you are looking to make a move, it does not necessarily mean moving to a new organization. Sometimes the place you know and are familiar with, maybe better than the bright, shiny options out there.
Of course, you should always explore the options available to you, however, remember the grass is not always greener on the other side.
Now is the perfect time to Review, Plan and Prepare for all the opportunities that await you!
Please contact me if you would like a Strategic Thinking Partner to work with you through this process.
If you could say one thing about the last few years, what would it be?
Probably something along the lines of… “Whoa! I didn’t see that coming.”
Every twist and turn over the last few years have caused us to make shifts in our plans. And none of those changes have been easy.
However, change no matter how hard it may be, can be the “kick” we need to get us out of a rut, to think differently and to make changes that we have put off or not thought about previously.
What changes have you made recently and what changes do you need to make?
For me, it has been about purging…getting rid of the things that I no longer need or no longer serve me. You know, the clothes and shoes I no longer wear, the files and paper I no longer need, the organizations that don’t share my values and the people I’ve reached out to check on that never call back.
I tell you, purging for me has created a sense of freedom… and this change has led to opportunities that I may have otherwise missed!
Are there opportunities that you may be missing?
If so, it may be time to readjust your habits and routines and make some changes.
Let me know if this message resonates with you. I would love to hear ideas and changes that helped move you forward.
It is hard to believe that we are more than halfway through 2022 already.
Each year I take time in July to review and reflect on where I am with the goals I previously set for the year and set intentions and make corrections for the rest of the year.
How about you? Have you taken time for reflection and adjustments?
Are you making strides to make things happen, let them happen, or just wondering what happened?
It is halftime and a great time to plan not only for the next quarter, but for the remainder of the year. It is not too late to make adjustments and get back on track if needed.
As an Empowerment Coach and Leadership Advisor, I have seen many folks who have left their success to chance.
However, for the most part, the ones that succeed are those who take time for reflection to assess where they are and take corrective action as needed.
Please consider this a friendly reminder to make any adjustments you need to finish this year strong.
Put your happiness and success on your to-do list and Move Forward with Purpose.