, Asking for and Accepting Feedback

Feedback, both personal and professional, offers you a look at your blind spots and allows you to learn how you are being perceived.

It is a gift that offers positive tips and reminders of your strengths and behaviors which you may take for granted.

It also can enlighten you to areas you may want to tweak, strengthen, enhance or avoid.

Every July, I conduct what I call a “self-audit” and schedule time to review my goals, looking at the progress I’ve made and reviewing the barriers I’ve encountered.

In addition, every other year, I actually send out a short feedback questionnaire to those who have agreed to answer a few questions with the understanding that all answers will be used for my growth and will not be questioned or disputed.

I have been doing this for many years and find it to be both beneficial and often eye-opening.

Feedback is a gift and I suggest you make time to ask for it and then listen and learn from the information you receive.

I have become aware of opportunities as well as challenges from this strategy and my company has grown from practicing this routine consistently.

Have you asked for and received constructive feedback to help you on your success journey?

Are there routines and habits that you have put in place that have helped you to leverage your strengths and optimize your potential?

Please share some ideas that should be considered as we move forward with purpose.
Your Partner in Change,

P.S. I’ll be speaking at the 37th Annual NAMIC Conference. Join me there!