Ask Marsha: A Blog

Resources & Articles to Propel You Forward
Are Your Routines Moving You Forward?

Are Your Routines Moving You Forward?

All of us experience profound changes as we move through the journey of life. The ups and downs create experiences that we enjoy as well as those we wish to forget. No matter how much we plan and how much we pray, we can never predict all that the future holds.

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Make Time For You

Make Time For You

Over time we have been conditioned to believe that More = Better & Busy = Productive. However, as you know, this is usually not the case and often leads to burnout, brain drain and stress.

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Reflect, Recharge And Revisit

Reflect, Recharge And Revisit

I hope that during these first few months of the year you have taken some time to reflect on all that you have previously accomplished, recharged and made time for self- care and revisited your goals and intentions for the future.

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Clear Your Mental Clutter

Clear Your Mental Clutter

I don’t know about you but I am constantly bombarded with distractions throughout the day – Emails, social media posts, phone calls and requests for information and your time.

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Are You Telling the Truth

Are You Telling the Truth

I recently read an article that indicated that many people are reluctant to tell the truth because they might anger, offend or hurt someone’s feelings. Instead, they try to honor other people’s needs and wishes because they don’t want to challenge, have a discussion or share their opinion.

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Asking for and Accepting Feedback

Asking for and Accepting Feedback

Feedback, both personal and professional, offers you a look at your blind spots and allows you to learn how you are being perceived. It is a gift that offers positive tips and reminders of your strengths and behaviors which you may take for granted.

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