It is hard to believe that we are more than halfway through 2022 already.
Each year I take time in July to review and reflect on where I am with the goals I previously set for the year and set intentions and make corrections for the rest of the year.
How about you? Have you taken time for reflection and adjustments?
Are you making strides to make things happen, let them happen, or just wondering what happened?
It is halftime and a great time to plan not only for the next quarter, but for the remainder of the year. It is not too late to make adjustments and get back on track if needed.
As an Empowerment Coach and Leadership Advisor, I have seen many folks who have left their success to chance.
However, for the most part, the ones that succeed are those who take time for reflection to assess where they are and take corrective action as needed.
Please consider this a friendly reminder to make any adjustments you need to finish this year strong.
Put your happiness and success on your to-do list and Move Forward with Purpose.
Reach out and let me know how I can support you!