If you could imagine your ideal life in 3-5 years from now, what would it be like?

How would it be different from the way it is now?

Will you continue doing the same things, in the same way and expecting different results?
One of the previous reminders I shared recently was regarding changing lanes.

This was a friendly reminder to review your routines, habits and beliefs and make adjustments as needed.

Today’s reminder is to set your dreams in motion! To crack your “happiness code”, and feel more fulfilled, you need to think of enjoyable times in your life, the positive things you have accomplished, the people you enjoy being with and the skills you enjoy using.

Start with taking some quality time for reflection and self-exploration. Think about what happiness, success and your best life look like for you. Pay attention to what you enjoy and what puts you in a happy state.

Take time to focus on your passions, motivations and what gives you joy.

Think about the barriers that may have kept you from moving forward and how they can be prevented from reoccurring.

Identify who or what can eliminate or at least lessen these challenges going forward

Who can help you with this process and help hold you accountable?

What are 1-2 small changes you can make immediately.

I am a strong believer in doing things in 15-minute intervals and writing things down in a place where I can easily see them
Consistency matters- decide on a regular time to work on any changes – Morning? Afternoon? Evening?

Give the best time of the day to yourself. Remember we are only talking about starting off with 15 minutes. Paying attention to your accomplishments, skills and what you enjoy doing will help you to focus on developing an action plan

Ask for help as needed- often friends and family can help point out strengths and accomplishments you may not have realized and enjoyments you may have forgotten.

There are also many assessment tools that can help identify patterns and commonalities.

NOTE: You may be good at something that you don’t really enjoy. I believe that that happiness comes when you identify the things you enjoy, that you are good at and that gives you a sense of accomplishment. The time to get started on living your best life is NOW!

Let me know if, as your Strategic Thinking Partner, I can help you to move forward with purpose.

Your Partner in Change,
